Kuder Proud to Support Career Technical Education


Kuder Proud to Support Career Technical Education

As a career guidance solutions provider, helping students and adults plan for and achieve lifelong career success is what drives us at Kuder. Over 165 million people worldwide have used our career assessment, education planning, and guidance resources to help visualize which industry or career, field of study, or school to pursue next in life. We help ensure that people of all ages can unlock the power of their own potential, and create a bright future.
Kuder offers the following solutions for K-20, workforce and economic development:

  • Comprehensive Online Career Planning System;
  • Research-based Career Assessments;
  • Career Development Curricula;
  • Professional Development for Career Counselors, Advisors, & Coaches;
  • Career Program Database Management;
  • Career Coaching for Students and Adults;
  • Career Program Needs Assessment; and
  • Career Program Consulting

Phil Harrington, Kuder President & CEO on the Value of Kuder

Proud to Support CTE
Kuder is proud to partner with Advance CTE, because we believe that competing in a global economy requires a strong, prepared workforce. Our solutions are designed to strengthen and sustain today’s Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and to foster collaboration between education, business, and community stakeholders to drive economic success.
CTE programs throughout the country rely on the Kuder Career Planning System® (KCPS) to support their curriculum development and planning. The KCPS is centered on reliable career assessments that help students identify career interests, skills, and work values. Our assessments are empirically aligned to the Career Clusters® to enable students from the sixth grade and up to explore occupations and related education and training options.
Kuder has also been a longtime participant in our local community’s School-to-Work program, in which we employ high school seniors throughout the course of each year. These interns open our eyes to their world, and we, in turn, open their eyes to the world of work. It’s a remarkable and transformative experience that reinforces our belief in, and commitment to, CTE.
This post was written by Kuder, which was a sponsor at Advance CTE’s 2016 Fall Meeting.