New Report: The State of Career Technical Education: An Analysis of States’ Perkins V Priorities


New Report: The State of Career Technical Education: An Analysis of States’ Perkins V Priorities

In summer 2018, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was signed into law. As a result, states were awarded the opportunity to reflect, engage with a wide array of stakeholders and partners, reaffirm key priorities and commitments, and identify new opportunities to support learners and their industry partners through the Perkins V planning process.
Today, Advance CTE released The State of Career Technical Education: An Analysis of States’ Perkins V Priorities. This report is the first of its kind in providing a cross-state analysis and recognition of the strategic decisions CTE leaders have made to advance high-quality CTE programs while increasing access and equity for each learner in their state, showcasing how many states have gone above and beyond the law’s requirements. 
Through this review, Advance CTE with contributions from The Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) identified common aspects of states’ Perkins V plans that are indicative of a comprehensive and cohesive state plan and set up learners for lifelong success:

  • A shared statewide vision;
  • Ongoing and meaningful alignment and collaboration across the K-12, postsecondary and workforce systems;
  • A commitment to equity and learner supports;
  • A commitment to quality programs;
  • Systems for attracting, retaining and developing CTE instructors;
  • The use of data-driven decisionmaking; and
  • A strong system of supports to ensure fidelity of implementation.

These hallmarks of a strong Perkins V state plan offer insights into how states are addressing the significant changes under Perkins V while taking advantage of the opportunities and flexibilities awarded, along with specific state highlights and promising innovations.
View the State of Career Technical Education: An Analysis of States’ Perkins V Priorities here.
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