Perkins V: How can states plan for genuine stakeholder engagement?

Perkins V: How can states plan for genuine stakeholder engagement?

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) provides a powerful opportunity to consult and coordinate with stakeholders throughout the state plan and local application development process and beyond. Importantly, meaningful engagement will not only make these plans better, but also foster partnerships and relationships that, if sustained through implementation, can make a big difference in advancing your state’s vision for CTE. As states look at stakeholder engagement for Perkins V, how can they design stakeholder engagement efforts that are genuine? Check out the resources below to learn more.
TOOL: Planning for Engagement: Identifying Key Stakeholders for Perkins V: This tool outlines the types of engagement required in Perkins V and was designed to help states begin the brainstorming process for their engagement efforts related to Perkins V.
REPORT: The State of Career Technical Education: Employer Engagement in CTE: This report from Advance CTE examines the employer engagement landscape with a particular focus on the ways in which states can foster and sustain meaningful employer engagement to strengthen their CTE system for all students through policy and practice.
TOOL: Parent Engagement Tool: This tool is designed to help state and local leaders develop an effective strategy to engage parents and guardians.
More Resources

The next issue of this series will include communications resources and in the meantime, please be sure to check out the Learning that Works Resource Center.
Kathryn Zekus, Senior Associate, Federal Policy & Ashleigh McFadden, State Policy Manager