This Week in CTE

This Week in CTE

April is Community College Month!
Follow ACCT (@CCTrustees) on Twitter and tweet with the hashtag #CCMonth.

Tweet of the Week

State CTE Director of the Week
Idaho CTE State Director, Clay Long, is mentioned this week in an article exploring the structure of CTE during distance learning.
April is National Welding Month! Follow Skills USA (@SkillsUSA) for a featured welding story each week.
Welding Story of the Week

CTSO Highlight of the Week
South Carolina HOSA has transitioned their state conference to an online platform. Review their virtual conference page for tips on the next steps to take with your local CTSO organization.
Resource of the Week
Compare high-quality CTE secondary programs across 50-states by reviewing this new resource produced by the Education Commission of the States.
Legislative Update of the Week 
This week Advance CTE and Association for Career Technical Education (ACTE) sent a letter to Congress outlining CTE priorities for phase four of the stimulus package. View the letter and other legislative updates on our blog.
Brittany Cannady, Digital Media Associate