This Week in CTE

This Week in CTE


Senate Advances FY19 Appropriations Bill that Includes Key Education and Workforce Programs
On August 23, the Senate voted 85-7 to pass their FY19 Defense and Labor, Health and human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations bills together (often called a “minibus”). Overall, the bill included a $541 million increase (over the FY18 level) for the U.S. Department of Education and level-funding (at the FY18 level) for the U.S. Department of Labor. Read more here.

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Family Maker’s Space Program 
“Our space is your space. To explore, laugh, learn with the people you love and see what you can create.”

We know technology is a major part of our lives and can be a barrier to success if learners and their families do not have access to the tools they need. Deb Harding and Tara Hardman co-run the Family MakerSpace at STEM Launch K-8, an Adams 12 school located in Thornton, Colorado. The mission is to provide a community space for learners and families to explore engineering and provide equitable access to technology. The tools and programs available include circuit boards, app development software and 3D printers. Learners focus on being innovative and share their knowledge with their families. Incorporating family helps learners feel more comfortable in the space and they can teach them new things about technology. Watch this video to learn more.

Report: Rocky Mountain Divide: Lifting Latinos and Closing Equity Gaps in Colorado
According to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (Georgetown Center), only 19 percent of Latino learners who enrolled in a Colorado public college earn a bachelor’s degree compared to 39 percent of Whites. The report is focusing on this population because it is the fast growing racial and ethnic group in the state. The report includes policy recommendation that are centered around creating a system of that recognizes that high school, college, and careers are interconnected so high school to college and careers needs to include academic and experiential learning.
Policy Recommendations include:

  • Integrate career exploration and preparation in the advising process.
  • Build stronger pathways that lead from certificate programs to associate and bachelor’s degree programs so that Latinos can continue to improve their employability as well as their earnings.

Key findings include:

  • Approximately 42 percent of Latino Colorado high school graduates immediately enroll in college compared to 63 percent of Whites.
  • About 31 percent of Latinos complete a postsecondary credential within five years of college enrollment compared to 49 percent of Whites.
  • Whites (21 percent) are more likely to have a good job that pays $35,000 or more per year compared to Latinos (15 percent).

Read the full report here.