Top Five Reasons to Attend NASDCTEc’s Spring Meeting

Top Five Reasons to Attend NASDCTEc’s Spring Meeting

Thinking about coming to NASDCTEc’s upcoming Spring meeting on April 8-10 in Washington D.C., but haven’t decided yet? Here are five reasons why you should definitely attend!
1. To mix it up with secondary, postsecondary, workforce development leaders and employers: Our agenda, speakers and participants are leaders representing the full spectrum of CTE. We’re kicking off Wednesday with a panel of high-level leaders from the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services and Labor talking about inter-agency collaboration, followed by sessions focused on aligning efforts to better serve learners at all levels.
2. To help build common solutions: We are bringing back the Collaboration Roundtables, based on the positive feedback from the Fall meeting, however, we are changing them in important ways. This time around, they will focus on building solutions to common challenges such as CTE teacher recruitment and retention, busting myths about CTE, and selecting industry credentials and technical skills assessments. These roundtables allow for unique cross-state sharing and collective problem solving.
3. To stay on top of moving targets: With a new Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) to implement, Congress moving forward on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and more media attention on CTE than ever before, change is happening and it’s happening fast. Our meeting is designed to prepare you for these changes, with sessions on implementing WIOA, ESEA, the Higher Education Act, new employer-led initiatives to credential skills, and CTE in the press with reporters on the CTE beat.
4. To experience excellence in action: For the first time ever, our Spring meeting will recognize Excellence in Action award-winning programs of study from across the country. Learn about the best CTE has to offer and celebrate excellence at a special lunch and reception in their honor.
5. To catch up with old friends and make some new ones: Did you know that there are new State CTE Directors in more than a dozen states and territories? Our Spring meeting is the perfect time to connect with new members, and catch up with those you only have a chance to see a few times a year. Over three days, you’ll be afforded opportunities to network formally and informally, and start conversations that will carry on well after the meeting ends.
Bonus reason: Cherry blossoms! Why wouldn’t you want to be in Washington, DC during cherry blossom season?
Learn more and register today!