Upcoming Tour of CTE in Action

Upcoming Tour of CTE in Action

On Saturday, April 18, we are excited to be co-hosting a tour of Maryland’s State Leadership and Skills Championship with the American Youth Policy Forum and the Maryland State Department of Education/SkillsUSA Maryland. This event will showcase Maryland’s best and brightest CTE students as they compete for medals, prizes, scholarships, state recognition and the chance to continue on to national and international skills competitions.
Participants will have the opportunity to tour the competition floor, meet current students and recent graduates, engage with employers who designed and are judging the competitions, and discuss the impact of high-quality CTE with Maryland leaders. You can learn more and register here. For those interested in what it truly means to be college and career ready, this is a fantastic way to spend a Saturday!
The event will be held in Severn, Maryland (outside of Baltimore), and transportation will be made available to and from Washington D.C.