Webinar: Building a Strong Relationship Between Competency-Based Pathways and CTE


Webinar: Building a Strong Relationship Between Competency-Based Pathways and CTE

On November 5, 2015 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) and Achieve are co-hosting a webinar to highlight our recently released brief, “Building a Strong Relationship between Competency-Based Pathways and Career Technical Education.” This webinar will provide an overview of the many leverage points between Career Technical Education (CTE) and Competency-Based Pathways (CBP) to support states’ adoption and implementation of integrated CTE and CBP.
The webinar will also explore Connecticut’s and Oregon’s strategies for integrating CTE into their CBP and the opportunities and challenges faced along the way. This webinar is for anyone looking to learn more about CTE, CBP and their potential when implemented together.
Speakers will include:

  • Suzanne Vita Loud, Associate Consultant, Connecticut State Department of Education
  • Tom Thompson, Education Specialist, Oregon Department of Education
  • Stephen DeWitt, Association for Career and Technical Education
  • Kate Blosveren, NASDCTEc
  • Alissa Peltzman, Achieve
  • Andrew Valent, Achieve

How to participate?
To add this meeting to your calendar, click here
To join the web conference, click here
Dial-In: 1-866-297-6395 Confirmation Number: 41021850
Katie Fitzgerald, Communications Associate