One of the all-new tours on offer at Achieving Excellence in CTE: The Career Clusters Institute will take attendees to SUMCO Corporation’s Phoenix plant.
A multinational employing thousands of workers worldwide, SUMCO’s advanced manufacturing puts its workers–many former students of Career Technical Education themselves–at the cutting edge of both the STEM and Manufacturing Career Clusters.
Dependent upon a skilled workforce of dynamic employees, the company knows the benefit of the highly skilled lifelong learners that walk out of CTE classes every day. The SUMCO tour will put participants face-to-face with the type of workplace CTE graduates may eventually spend their career, giving you a CTE experience to remember, and to recount to parents, students, faculty and other CTE stakeholders in months and years ahead!
Don’t miss this and the countless other incredible professional development opportunities at this year’s Achieving Excellence Institute. Build your school, district or state’s CTE team and register today!
Evan Williamson, Communications Associate