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Advance CTE Equity Continuum Technical Assistance Interest and Request Form
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Advance CTE Equity Technical Assistance Interest Form
Advance CTE is here to support you in your equity journey. Complete our interest and request form to connect with an Advance CTE staff member and discuss your needs.
Advance CTE recognizes that states may need differentiated tools, resources and support given state-level environments to improve access and success in high-quality CTE programming for all learners. Advance CTE is committed to providing customized support and technical assistance to help state leaders maximize Perkins provisions to ultimately close access gaps for their CTE learners.
Advance CTE can support states in a variety of ways, which can range from providing a walk-through of one of our resources as a way to facilitate personal learning to customized technical assistance for state teams. In order to determine how best to support state leaders, the interest form below was designed to gather some preliminary information about state needs. All information submitted will be kept confidential within the Advance CTE team.
Once you have submitted the interest form, an Advance CTE staff member will reach out to you within two weeks to follow-up on your request.
The following individuals are encouraged to complete this form:
- State CTE Directors
- State CTE Staff Members (secondary and postsecondary)
- Regional/Local CTE Directors
- Regional/Local CTE Staff Members (secondary and postsecondary)
- Institutional CTE Leaders (secondary and postsecondary)
Advance CTE Equity Technical Assistance Interest Form
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