Access and EquityFunding and Finance Case Study: North Dakota’s Cost-Based Approach for Secondary CTE Funding The Peace Garden State ranked ninth in the United States for Career Technical Education (CTE) funding per learner, totaling… September 2023
Access and EquityProgram Quality Advancing Employment for Secondary Learners with Disabilities through CTE Policy and Practice Learners with disabilities stand to strongly benefit from participation in CTE when programs are designed to support their needs.… May 2022
Data and Accountability Case Study: North Dakota’s Data Dashboards This case study is part of a series of case studies to support the Advance CTE Career Readiness Data… February 2021
Communications Strategic Messaging for Effective Communications: Using Research Insights to Connect to Key Audiences This resource examines key findings from a national survey that explored the attitudes of current and prospective CTE families… January 2020
Program QualityWork-Based Learning North Dakota: Nursing Pipeline Program This policy profile features North Dakota's continuing effort to improve job training and economic oppertunities in rural regions of… October 2019
Access and Equity CTE on the Frontier: Providing Learners Access to Diverse Career Pathways This brief from Advance CTE, part of the CTE on the Frontier series, profiles how states such as Nebraska,… December 2017
Access and EquityWork-Based Learning CTE on the Frontier: Connecting Rural Learners with the World of Work This brief from Advance CTE, the second in the CTE on the Frontier series, explores how states can bring… September 2017
Data and AccountabilitySystems Alignment Career Readiness & the Every Student Succeeds Act: Mapping Career Readiness in State ESSA Plans – Round 1 This brief from Advance CTE and the Education Strategy Group examines where and how career readiness shows up in the… July 2017
Data and Accountability Fifth Indicator: Career and Technical Education This policy brief from NASBE examines state approaches to measuring CTE in their accountability system. The report finds that,… May 2017