Making Good on the Promise


Making Good on the Promise

The Making Good on the Promise series confronts the negative aspects of Career Technical Education’s (CTE) legacy and defines the key challenges learners face today, providing promising solutions to help state leaders close equity gaps in CTE. The series will examine how states can leverage data to identify and address equity gaps, rebuild trust with historically underserved communities, expand access to high-quality CTE for each and every learner, and build systems to ensure learner success.

The Making Good on the Promise series was initially funded through the New Skills for Youth initiative, a partnership of the Council of Chief State School Officers, Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group, generously funded by JPMorgan Chase & Co. The series is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

States have a critical role in closing equity and access gaps so that all learners can participate in high-quality #CTE. @CTEWorks Making Good on the Promise series highlights promising state practices for learners historically underrepresented in CTE.

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Resources created by Advance CTE, including reports, guide/tools, case studies, briefs and snapshots.

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