Access & OpportunityProgram Quality
Centering learner feedback, needs, and input is essential for fostering a welcoming and supportive career preparation system. Leveraging Learner…
Resources on topics such as program approval, accreditation, standards, programs of study, evaluation, personalized learning and academic-technical integration
Centering learner feedback, needs, and input is essential for fostering a welcoming and supportive career preparation system. Leveraging Learner…
This Year 4 annual report provides an overview of strides to achieve high-quality, equitable career pathways across six sites…
Denver, Colorado is one of the six sites selected to participate in the New Skills ready network. This five-year…
Dallas, Texas is one of the six sites selected to participate in the New Skills ready network. This five-year…
High-quality education opportunities for justice-involved learners have demonstrated a strong economic return - a study produced by the RAND…
Closing gender representation gaps in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs is critical to ensure each learner feels welcome, is…
Access barriers to Career Technical Education (CTE) are often mutli-facted and interconnected. This white paper provides an in-depth examination…
Entrance conditions for Career Technical Education programs connected to correctional education can create insurmountable barriers for justice-involved learner…
Dallas, Texas is one of the six sites selected to participate in the New Skills ready network. This five-year…
Indianapolis, Indiana is one of the six sites selected to participate in the New Skills ready network. This five-year…
Report that provides an overview of the New Skills ready network initiative; highlights key steps forward for sites across…
This brief provides framing and promising local and state practices to embed family engagement systems, structures, policies and processes…
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