CTE Programs and the COVID-19 Pandemic Responses, Innovations, and Implications for Future Research

This report presents findings from interviews with 22 programs to learn about their responses to the conditions presented by the pandemic. The programs were initially studied for the CTE Research Network’s evaluability assessment (Hughes et al., 2021).1  Recognizing the significant impact of COVID-19 on CTE programs, the Network developed a follow-up study to update the program profiles and identify how program offerings and student participation differed from normal operations.Program changes reviewed included:


CTE Programs and the COVID-19 Pandemic Responses, Innovations, and Implications for Future Research

This report presents findings from interviews with 22 programs to learn about their responses to the conditions presented by the pandemic. The programs were initially studied for the CTE Research Network’s evaluability assessment (Hughes et al., 2021).1  Recognizing the significant impact of COVID-19 on CTE programs, the Network developed a follow-up study to update the program profiles and identify how program offerings and student participation differed from normal operations.Program changes reviewed included:

  • Learner activities;
  • Teacher professional development; and
  • Employer engagement.

The report also explores changes likely to extend outside of the pandemic and gives a primer on in-house researchers’ questions about program quality and changes.

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