Advance CTE’s Statement on Equity in Career Technical Education

Advance CTE's Statement on Equity in Career Technical Education guides Advance CTE's work and is a public committment from Advance CTE to promote equity in CTE.

Advance CTE’s Statement on Equity in Career Technical Education

Advance CTE has embarked on an initiative to advance equity in Career Technical Education (CTE) to ensure that systems support each learner in accessing, feeling welcome in, fully participating in and successfully completing a high-quality CTE program of study. Advance CTE’s Statement on Equity in CTE is a direct extension of Advance CTE’s vision of Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of Career Technical Education and, like this vision, is a lens through which Advance CTE views and conducts all its work. To develop this resource, Advance CTE solicited input and feedback from civil rights organizations, state CTE leaders and education organizations. The Statement on Equity in CTE guides Advance CTE’s work and is a public commitment from Advance CTE to promote equity in CTE. Additionally, the Statement on Equity in CTE informs Advance CTE’s Making Good on the Promise series, which provides promising solutions to help state leaders close equity gaps in CTE.

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