Building Guided Pathways to Community College Student Success: Promising Practices and Early Evidence from Tennessee

This report from the Community College Research Center examines the impact of and how far along the community colleges in Tennessee are in implementing the practices of the guided pathways approach.


Building Guided Pathways to Community College Student Success: Promising Practices and Early Evidence from Tennessee

The guided pathways model- a framework that provides guidance and supports to prepare postsecondary learners for future career success- has increasingly been implemented by institutions of higher education to help students more easily achieve their college and career goals. In Tennessee, all 13 community colleges are in the process of implementing the guided pathways approach. This report from the Community College Research Center examines how far along the community colleges in Tennessee are in implementing the practices of the guided pathways approach and trends in first-year momentum among entering students, with a focus on students’ accumulation of college credits and completion of gateway college math and English courses in their first year. The report concludes with examining the next frontiers of Tennessee community colleges, such as their efforts to better support returning adult learners. 

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