This report was developed by the Workforce Information Advisory Council as commissioned under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA). The report examines how policymakers, researchers and educators can use labor market information to help build the national, state and local workforce and help strengthen the economy. The report identifies six areas with opportunities for improvement to the workforce and labor market information system:
- Aligning education and workforce training with industry needs
- Informing career decisions of students and workers
- Determining the effectiveness of workforce training and education programs
- Understanding the characteristics of the workforce
- Making workforce and labor market information more accessible and relevant to end users
- Enhancing government data sharing, collaboration, and funding among statistical agencies
Additionally, the report makes the case for enhancing workforce data quality in order to provide more accurate employment projections and equip learners with resources to make informed decisions about their career paths. This is a helpful resource that highlights strategies to fully leverage labor market data to streamline systems of support for learner success.