Practical Guidance for Aligning Career Pathways to Labor Market Data in the Time of COVID-19

This Advance CTE policy brief is designed to help states build better career pathways and offers promising practices for enhancing the career preparation ecosystem by leveraging labor market information (LMI) to align programs to high-skill, high-wage and in-demand occupations.


Practical Guidance for Aligning Career Pathways to Labor Market Data in the Time of COVID-19

In a dedicated effort to build high-quality, equitable career pathways Advance CTE, in partnership with Education Strategy Group through JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s New Skills ready network, released Practical Guidance for Aligning Career Pathways to Labor Market Data in the Time of COVID-19. This policy brief is the first in a series designed to help build better pathways and offers promising practices for enhancing the career preparation ecosystem by leveraging labor market information (LMI) to align programs to high-skill, high-wage and in-demand occupations.

This brief offers state and local leaders a steady path forward to gathering and making LMI actionable:

  • Continue to make data-informed decisions about which career pathways to build and support and which ones to transform or phase out;
  • Address equity within any LMI tools, supports and decisions;
  • Take this opportunity to streamline existing labor market data to make it more usable and accessible for policymakers, local partners, instructors and learners themselves; and
  • Build capacity within the system to improve labor market data literacy.

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