Competing on Innovation: Disrupting the Education Enterprise to Build Tomorrow’s Talent, Today

This paper from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation provides a road map for businesses to partner together to form innovation challenge partnerships.

Competing on Innovation: Disrupting the Education Enterprise to Build Tomorrow’s Talent, Today

Businesses compete on innovation, which allows them to drive economic growth and competitiveness. Making innovation the center of the curriculum, then, can help connect learning with real-world application, make students more engaged, and better prepare them to think creatively on the job. Creating such a practice requires breaking down silos between programs, educational institutions and businesses.

This paper from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, part of the “Making Youth Employment Work” series, encourages businesses to partner together to form networks of innovation challenge partnerships. Such partnerships can work together to build infrastructure, provide support for schools, and leverage technology solutions to engage students in business challenges.

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