Connecting Secondary Career and Technical Education and Registered Apprenticeship: A Profile of Six State Systems

This report from the National Center for Innovation in CTE (NCiCTE) profiles six states that are working to align secondary CTE and Registered Apprenticeship programs.

Connecting Secondary Career and Technical Education and Registered Apprenticeship: A Profile of Six State Systems

Work-based learning, an educational strategy that provides students with technical skills and knowledge in an authentic work setting, is often delivered through a Career Technical Education (CTE) or Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program. Both have overlapping structures and content, including experiential learning and career exploration coursework, which has led many states to build more deliberate linkages between the two.

This report from the National Center for Innovation in CTE (NCiCTE) profiles six states — North Carolina, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Washington and Rhode Island — that are working to align secondary CTE and RA programs. The report identifies three approaches that these states have taken to align and expand apprenticeship opportunities. No matter the approach, states frequently face the same challenges with aligning CTE and RA programs, including lack of resources, misperceptions about pre-apprenticeship and RA programs, and difficulty engaging employers. The report further describes strategies that these states have taken to address these challenges.

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