Constructing a Delivery Chain

This facilitation guide from the U.S. Education Delivery Institute (EDI) helps to map out a delivery chain for implementing delivery strategies in education. Examples in the facilitation guide can be easily adapted to fit the needs of a CTE administrator.

Constructing a Delivery Chain

When mapping out a new strategy it often helps to start by creating a delivery chain. A delivery chain helps identify key actors and relationships, and can be used to support planning, identify risks and solve problems. Career Technical Education (CTE) in particular has a number of stakeholders — state and local education associations, educators, business and industry leaders, parents, labor representatives, civic leaders, etc. — who each play a role in achieving program objectives. Building a delivery chain can help clarify the roles that each of these stakeholders play in the implementation process and identify opportunities to galvanize support and integrate CTE across different sectors.

This facilitation guide from the U.S. Education Delivery Institute (EDI) helps to map out a delivery chain for implementing delivery strategies in education. While the examples in the facilitation guide focus on education delivery in a classroom context, it can be easily adapted to fit the needs of a CTE administrator.

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