Credit Quandaries: How Career and Technical Education Teachers Can Teach Courses that Include Academic Credit

This brief from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research explores the question of how states can ensure that CTE teachers can award academic credit to students for their classes. 


Credit Quandaries: How Career and Technical Education Teachers Can Teach Courses that Include Academic Credit

Well-designed Career Technical Education (CTE) courses can provide learners with academic and technical skills, allowing them to make progress toward both their academic and career goals. Yet challenges such as teacher certification prevent students from receiving academic credit for completing CTE coursework. This brief from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at the American Institutes for Research explores the question How are states ensuring that CTE teachers can award academic credit to students for their classes?  The brief focuses on CTE teachers who do not meet high quality teacher requirements but are nonetheless certified to teach CTE coursework. Strategies explored in the brief include adopting a collaborative approach to design and implement a CTE course and leveraging course assignment codes. Local leaders can draw strategies from this brief to ensure learners can receive both CTE and academic credit for courses taught by CTE teachers. 

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