Developing Human Capital: Meeting the Growing Global Need for a Skilled and Educated Workforce

The report from the National Association of Workforce Boards, the Association for Career and Technical Education and McGraw-Hill explores the intersection between education and workforce development and provides a valuable industry perspective for policymakers seeking to engage employers.


Developing Human Capital: Meeting the Growing Global Need for a Skilled and Educated Workforce

Career Technical Education (CTE) can help coordinate and maximize the efforts of educational institutions and businesses, which are both working to create systems that prepare students for the demands of an increasingly high-tech and competitive global economy. This report, a joint publication by the National Association of Workforce Boards, the Association for Career and Technical Education and McGraw-Hill Education, underscores the value of CTE in today’s market and the need to create quality programs by connecting educational institutions with businesses and industry. A well-fused program would poise students of all ages to qualify and compete for high-demand jobs, the report suggests.

This report explores the intersection between education and workforce development, highlighting international trends in CTE and identifying barriers to cross-sector cooperation. It provides a valuable industry perspective for state and local policymakers seeking to engage the employer community in their CTE efforts.

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