Equity in CTE & STEM Root Causes and Strategies

This resource provides an intersectional lens to examine specific and overlapping root causes to assist with program and institutional improvement initiatives, stimulate dialogue within and among institutions and systems and identify general recommendations for interventions.

Equity in CTE & STEM Root Causes and Strategies

This resource from the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) provides an intersectional lens to examine the specific and overlapping root causes that affect learners and make it challenging for them to access critical pathways to financial stability through Career Technical Education (CTE) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. This snapshot of current theories and evidence-based strategies identifies and addresses the structures, practices, and biases that must shift to promote equity and sustainable change. CTE leaders can use this tool to identify common barriers for learners and inform program and institutional improvement initiatives to address such barriers.

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