High School Apprenticeships: A Guide For Starting Successful Programs

This guide from the Department of Labor outlines four key elements necessary to make high school apprenticeship programs successful.


High School Apprenticeships: A Guide For Starting Successful Programs

High school apprenticeships play a key role in providing real-world experiences and skills to learners and promoting a talent pipeline of skilled workers for employers. To help high schools, colleges, businesses, community organizers and other stakeholders collaborate on high school apprenticeships, this guide from the Department of Labor outlines four key elements necessary to make high school apprenticeship programs successful:

  1. Building strong partnerships;
  2. Aligning programs to industry workforce needs;
  3. Designing quality programs; and 
  4. Promoting student success. 

A useful resource for stakeholders interested in developing and improving high school apprenticeship programs for learners, this guide provides examples of program strategies from North Carolina, Wisconsin, Colorado, Kentucky and Connecticut, as well as steps to launch a high school apprenticeship program. 

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