It’s Time to Make Linked Data Work for K–12 Leaders

Chiefs for Change and the Data Quality Campaign collaborated to generate this vision for ensuring that the education leaders responsible for K–12 policy and practice have access to useful data about the postsecondary and career journeys of their former students, also known as pathways data. Across the systems, the statewide data infrastructure, political context, and economic landscape vary. This brief summarizes what we have learned about the pathways data that leaders value most and offers corresponding action steps SEA leaders can take to address the data needs in their state.

It’s Time to Make Linked Data Work for K–12 Leaders

Chiefs for Change and the Data Quality Campaign collaborated to generate this vision for ensuring that the education leaders responsible for K–12 policy and practice have access to useful data about the postsecondary and career journeys of their former students, also known as pathways data. Across the systems, the statewide data infrastructure, political context, and economic landscape vary. This brief summarizes what we have learned about the pathways data that leaders value most and offers corresponding action steps SEA leaders can take to address the data needs in their state.

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