Nebraska: ReVISION

Nebraska’s reVISION program draws on state workforce data to help school districts evaluate and develop plans to improve their career preparation systems. ReVISION districts use these plans to phase out low-quality programs, develop new ones, and align standards with industry needs. 

Nebraska: ReVISION

Nebraska’s CTE reVISION process lays the foundation for strong state and local partnerships through direct technical assistance and support for local education agencies. Launched in 2012, reVISION is a data-driven approach to CTE program improvement that builds local capacity to analyze and transform CTE programs. Through the reVISION process, all recipients (secondary and postsecondary) are required to analyze student enrollment and performance data disaggregated by program and subpopulation. Portions of both the reVISION process and local application require recipients to identify any disparities in participation and performance, develop strategies to address them, and direct Perkins funds toward alleviating and eliminating any barriers. Through grant and program monitoring at the state level, Nebraska CTE staff provide ongoing assistance when needed. Statewide leadership funds as well as the required set-asides for special populations are leveraged to develop and implement supports in this area.

There are three main steps to the reVISION process. First, each local school district and community college completes their own Local CTE assessment. The eligible agency will bring the results of the assessment to a regional meeting, facilitated by a NDE staff member, at which time the Regional CTE assessment will be completed. The final step requires eligible Perkins applicants to use the Local and Regional assessments to complete their Local Perkins Applications. 

Policy in Action

ReVISION began in 2012 with 13 schools based on a relatively small investment from the state using Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (Perkins IV) state reserve funds. In the transition to Perkins V, the Nebraska Department of Education leveraged the new requirement for local recipients to complete a CLNA in order to scale the reVISION model statewide. Today, reVISION is the foundation for improving and implementing CTE across the state and is used to drive funding, policy and programmatic decisions for school districts, Perkins consortia and community colleges. NDE’s goal is to use the reVISION implementation process to drive program improvement and better support historically marginalized learners and learners with special population status across the state.

Participating districts report lasting impacts from the reVISION work. In a 2017 survey, 87 percent reported at least one new CTE course or program that was adopted as a result of the reVISION initiative, and many reported adjusting or discontinuing outdated programs. Districts have also gone on to apply for and win additional grant funding under the reVISION action grants. Action grants provide eligible recipients with an opportunity to apply for additional dollars that focus on implementation of innovative strategies to transform and expand the quality of CTE programming in Nebraska. Over time, best practices will be identified along with opportunities to appropriately scale successful strategies across the state.


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Last updated: August 2021

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