The Profile of the South Carolina Graduate — which outlines educational achievement goals to prepare South Carolina high school students for success in college and career — is the cornerstone of the state’s theory of change for transforming its career readiness systems. During the New Skills for Youth Phase One grant period, the South Carolina project team used the Profile as a springboard to create a plan of action that brings together cross-sector partners to strengthen and expand high-quality career pathways.
Phase One of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s New Skills for Youth grant extended from May to October 2016. With bold visions for improving career readiness in K-12 education, each Phase One state spent the grant period performing a diagnostic assessment of their career preparation system and preparing for implementation of a new action plan. This snapshot describes South Carolina’s experience and progress in Phase One, including promising practices and innovations. Additional snapshots from other Phase One New Skills for Youth states are available here.