New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: New Orleans, Louisiana

This snapshot profiles the work YouthForce NOLA in New Orleans, Louisiana is doing to develop a pipeline of skilled workers for high-demand, high-wage careers.


New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: New Orleans, Louisiana

Launched in 2016, JPMorgan Chase & Co. New Skills for Youth (NSFY) is a $75 million, five-year global initiative aimed at transforming how cities and states ensure that young people are career ready. The local investments from across the world – Innovations Sites – aim to identify and implement the most promising ideas in career education, with a special focus on communities with the greatest needs.

In just a few short years, the number of New Orleans, Louisiana public school graduates earning statewide industry-recognized credentials in three leading industries —health sciences, creative media and technology, and skilled crafts—has increased fivefold. This is in large part due to the work by YouthForce NOLA, an education, business and civic collaborative that prepares New Orleans public school students to pursue high-wage, high-demand career pathways.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. NSFY initiative invested in Youthforce NOLA as an Innovation Site to expand and enhance the organization’s efforts to develop a pipeline of skilled workers for high-demand, high-wage careers. This snapshot profiles the work YouthForce NOLA is doing to improve career pathways for learners.

To learn more about the NSFY Innovation Sites, visit the NSFY Innovation Sites Snapshots series page.

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