Pathways to High-Quality Jobs for Young Adults

 This report from Brookings and Child Trends examines the quality of jobs held by young people who experienced disadvantages in adolescence and identifies factors that are associated with higher job-quality for this population. 

Pathways to High-Quality Jobs for Young Adults

This report from Brookings and Child Trends examines the quality of jobs held by young people who experienced disadvantages in adolescence and identifies factors that are associated with higher job-quality for this population. These factors include work-based learning incorporating positive relationships with adults, earlier experiences in the labor market, and educational credentials and training.

A useful resource for stakeholders interested in improving the employment prospects of young people who grew up in disadvantaged households, the report outlines four recommendations:

  • Expand work-based learning within high school Career Technical Education (CTE);
  • Increase completion rates of postsecondary degrees, with an explicit focus on quality and equity;
  • Improve on-ramps to employment for teens and young adults; and
  • Promote further research and action on the role of positive relationships in employment and training programs for youth and young adults.

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