The Western Governors’ Workforce Development Initiative

This special report from the Western Governors’ Association presents the findings from the Western Governors’ Workforce Development initiative and recommends steps governors can take to improve the education and workforce systems in their states.

The Western Governors’ Workforce Development Initiative

To address changes in western states’ labor markets and the growing skills gap, the Western Governors’ Workforce Development Initiative was launched in July 2017. Through the initiative, policymakers, educators, business leaders and community organizations came together to discuss how western governors can improve the education and workforce systems in their states. This special report from the Western Governors’ Association presents the findings from the initiative and recommends steps governors can take to achieve the following goals:

  • Integrate state efforts;
  • Value all pathways;
  • Connect education to careers;
  • Create pathways to in-demand careers;
  • Upgrade skills; and
  • Address rural challenges.

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