Work Matters: A Framework for States on Workforce Development for People with Disabilities

This report on learners with disabilities, including veterans with service connected disabilities, provides tools to address policy barriers that hinder the employment process of these learners.


Work Matters: A Framework for States on Workforce Development for People with Disabilities

Through the expansion of the definition of special populations and the stronger focus on equity in ​The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act Perkins V, states are looking to promote Career Technical Education (CTE) and workforce inclusion. This report on learners with disabilities, including veterans with service connected disabilities, provides tools to address policy barriers that hinder the employment process of these learners. The report serves as a guide on breaking down policy barriers and assisting states in improving their relationships with stakeholders of organizations serving learners with disabilities. The report also provides state examples of innovative programming and policy making with a specific focus on bringing learners to the table when policy decisions are being made. 

State leaders who have begun the process of engaging learners with disabilities as well as leaders who are just beginning the work will find useful resources and guiding tools to assist them in whatever phase they are in. The guide will assist leaders through the process from laying the groundwork to accessing work opportunities to supporting self-employment. 

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