Turning Points: How Young People in Four Career Pathways Programs Describe the Relationships that Shape their Lives

This report, the second in a series from the America's Promise Alliance, explores four career pathways programs and examines the impact that relationship building plays on the development of risk-immersed youth.


Turning Points: How Young People in Four Career Pathways Programs Describe the Relationships that Shape their Lives

This report, the second in a series from the America’s Promise Alliance exploring career pathways programs, examines the impact that relationship building plays on the development of risk-immersed youth. The report examines four sites  Cafe Momentum in Dallas, Texas; Per Scholas in the Bronx, New York; Urban Alliance in Washington, D.C.; and Year Up in the Bay Area, California  and draws the following conclusions:

  • Young people’s webs of support show four distinct cores of relationships: family, community, institution, and the career pathways program.
  • A young person’s web of support is a dynamic system.  
  • The Career Pathways Core appears to be responsive and integrated into the web of support, acting as a scaffold for young people’s positive development and for a wide range of supportive relationships that enable success in work and life.

This report builds upon the concepts and themes explored in the first brief in the series, Relationships Come First

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