Access & OpportunityCommunications
Developing communications that align with the unique needs and experiences of key learner audiences can increase enrollment, retention, and…
This series consists of resources created by Advance CTE across topic areas related to Career Technical Education (CTE). Includes reports, guide/tools, case studies, briefs and snapshots.
Each year, @CTEWorks produces over a dozen resources to support #CTE leaders in achieving high-quality, equitable CTE for every learner. Explore all resources here. #CTEWorks
Developing communications that align with the unique needs and experiences of key learner audiences can increase enrollment, retention, and…
Centering learner feedback, needs, and input is essential for fostering a welcoming and supportive career preparation system. Leveraging Learner…
The National Career Clusters® Framework serves as a guiding organizational structure for Career Technical Education (CTE) leaders and partners…
As the world of work continues to evolve, high-quality career pathways integrating experiential work-based learning (EWBL) are becoming increasingly…
Audio Version (12 mins)Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) has been gaining prominence in recent years, most often connected to…
Interest in and growth of career pathways initiatives, including through Career Technical Education (CTE), continues to expand. As a…
This Year 4 annual report provides an overview of strides to achieve high-quality, equitable career pathways across six sites…
College in high school opportunities are a critical component of high-quality pathways that prepare young people for the good…
This case study explores Indiana’s insightful approach toward data-driven decisionmaking, leveraging the power of the OGA and the AICTE…
This brief highlights the challenges facing postsecondary administrators in facilitating seamless transitions between institutions; three major categories of s…
The five-year initiative New Skills for Youth (NSFY) aimed to transform career readiness education and bridge the skills gap…
Over the year, Advance CTE and the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) tracked state activity, cataloged final…
Advance CTE’s Research Warehouse Dashboard will provide CTE leaders with relevant and timely CTE research that covers a wide…
A major barrier to achieving equitable access and success in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs is both the shortage…
The Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline Toolkit Annotated Bibliography is a repository of curated resources derived from the…
An Overview of the Advance CTE Leaders Fellowship enables Career Technical Education (CTE) leaders to learn from Advance CTE’s…
Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline Workbook is a plug-and-play resource aligned with the guiding questions and recommendations from…
The Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline Toolkit Guide is a comprehensive document with guiding questions, recommendations and additional…
An Introduction to the Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline Toolkit offers an overview of the goals and purpose…
The Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline: Journey to CTE Leadership video series shares the authentic journey of four…
The Lone Star State is a top state for total state funding for secondary Career Technical Education (CTE) programs,…
This report provides a landscape of federal and state secondary CTE funding, highlights key trends in state funding design,…
The Bay State ranked second in the United States for Career Technical Education (CTE) funding per learner in fiscal…
The Peace Garden State ranked ninth in the United States for Career Technical Education (CTE) funding per learner, totaling…
High-quality education opportunities for justice-involved learners have demonstrated a strong economic return - a study produced by the RAND…
The Resource Center is a curated set of case studies, research or reports, tools and guides, and policies.
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