Education Trends: High School Diploma Options that Meet Federal Graduation Rate Calculation Requirements

This report from the Education Commission of the States outlines three common approaches states take to providing alternative pathways to graduation outside of a regular high school diploma that meet federal requirements.

Education Trends: High School Diploma Options that Meet Federal Graduation Rate Calculation Requirements

The federal government sets minimum requirements for how states measure the number students who graduate from high school. This count can include alternative pathways to a high school diploma. This report from the Education Commision of the States outlines three common approaches states take to providing alternative pathways to graduation outside of a regular high school diploma, which include:

  • Offering two or more courses of study under a single diploma;
  • Adding endorsements or seals to the standard diploma; and,
  • Providing one or more diploma options above the standard diploma.

This report is a useful resource for examining how students in different states can achieve a high school diploma.

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