New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand

This snapshot profiles how AWARE2 is helping learners develop real-world and technical skills in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand.


New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand

Launched in 2016, JPMorgan Chase & Co. New Skills for Youth (NSFY) is a $75 million, five-year global initiative aimed at transforming how cities and states ensure that young people are career ready. The local investments from across the world – Innovations Sites – aim to identify and implement the most promising ideas in career education, with a special focus on communities with the greatest needs.

Following a study that found a shortage of workers with relevant technical skills, particularly in the high-demand information and communications technology (ICT) sector, in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, Accelerated Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment 2 (AWARE2) was launched. With funding support from NSFY, the Education Development Center launched AWARE2 in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand to bolster technical soft skills training for youth targeted to the ICT sector. This snapshot profiles how AWARE2 is helping learners develop real-world and technical skills in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand.

To learn more about the NSFY Innovation Sites, visit the NSFY Innovation Sites Snapshots series page.

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