New Skills for Youth Phase One Snapshot: Rhode Island

This snapshot profile describes Rhode Island's work during Phase One of the New Skills for Youth initiative. 

New Skills for Youth Phase One Snapshot: Rhode Island

The Rhode Island New Skills for Youth team embodies a statewide effort to improve career readiness pathways. In Phase One, the Rhode Island team demonstrated committed leadership and focused on elements of a successful career readiness system, while acknowledging the need to create better alignment among K-12, higher education and the business community. Key stakeholders — including the Governor’s Office, Department of Education, Department of Commerce, Department of Labor and Training, higher education, non-profits, business leaders and educators — worked collaboratively and, with input from engaged citizens, created a thorough plan with clear strategies and cross-sector ownership. These accomplishments position the state for long-term success.

Phase One of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s New Skills for Youth grant extended from May to October 2016. With bold visions for improving career readiness in K-12 education, each Phase One state spent the grant period performing a diagnostic assessment of their career preparation system and preparing for implementation of a new action plan. This snapshot describes Rhode Island’s experience and progress in Phase One, including promising practices and innovations. Additional snapshots from other Phase One New Skills for Youth states are available here

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