New Skills for Youth 2017 Snapshot: Rhode Island

This snapshot profiles Rhode Island's progress in the New Skills for Youth initiative. 

New Skills for Youth 2017 Snapshot: Rhode Island

Rhode Island is one of the 10 states selected to participate in New Skills for Youth (NSFY), an initiative enhancing state efforts to increase the number of kids across the country who are prepared for success in both college and career. NSFY is a $75 million, five-year initiative developed by JPMorgan Chase in collaboration with the Council of Chief State School Officers, Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group.In Phase One of the initiative, the Rhode Island NSFY team focused on identifying elements of a successful career readiness system that aligns the interests of K-12 students and school systems, higher education, and local business and industry.Phase Two of the NSFY initiative began in January 2017. This snapshot profiles Rhode Island’s progress in the first year of Phase Two, including:

  • Strengthening career readiness through PrepareRI: Through strategic partnerships among the state government, private industry and educational institutions, the state launched this initiative to prepare Rhode Island youth with the skills they need to fill critical gaps in the state’s workforce.
  • Establishing cross-sector connections and building local capacity: Strong leadership from the governor’s office has helped the state bring together stakeholders from both the private and public sectors to help build workforce skills and capacity.
  • Expanding work-based learning (WBL) opportunities: The rollout of new WBL standards and programs are helping to guide the expansion of programs throughout the state.

To learn more about this work, read Rhode Island’s NSFY Phase One Snapshot.

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