Building a Diverse Leadership Pipeline: Elevating Knowledge Series

Building a Diverse Leadership Pipeline: Elevating Knowledge Series

The demographics of our nation and enrollments in Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, yet the demographic diversity among state CTE leadership is lagging behind. Without Limits: A Shared Vision for the Future of CTE  calls upon  “(s)tates and institutions …. to commit to building recruitment strategies & talent pipeline programs that attract diverse CTE leaders who are demographically representative of the learners they teach.”

The Building a Diverse Leadership Pipeline: Elevating Knowledge briefs feature original research and present policy recommendations to highlight timely CTE research topics pursued by select alumni of the inaugural cohort of The Postsecondary State Career Technical Education Leaders Fellowship at Advance CTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation.  By positioning the findings as potential action steps for state CTE leaders and the field at large we aspire to elevate a new — and more demographically diverse — generation of CTE leaders.

These briefs are part of the larger Building a Diverse Leadership Pipeline series that aims to increase leadership stability and achieve more demographically representative state CTE leadership, by providing resources, tools and examples to help state leaders establish a robust, diverse talent pipeline for aspiring CTE leaders. 

Explore @CTEWorks Building a Diverse Leadership Pipeline: Elevating Knowledge briefs featuring original research from their inaugural #PSCTEFellows and accompanying policy recommendations. #CTEWorks

The Resource Center is a curated set of case studies, research or reports, tools and guides, and policies.

Explore videos and toolkit resources from Advance CTE’s broader Building a Diverse CTE Leadership Pipeline series. 

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