Communications Campaigns
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Create a CTE Communications Campaign
Learn how to execute a successful CTE communications campaign.
Executing a successful Career Technical Education (CTE) communications campaign will help ensure all stakeholders are interested and invested in a high-quality CTE system that serves each learner.
Success will require policy and funding support from federal, state and local sources; engagement by business and industry; leadership in secondary and postsecondary institutions; advocacy among learners, families and communities and more. All of it will be necessary to make sure high-quality CTE is working for all of us.
Advance CTE developed the CTE: Learning that works for America® campaign to help states, districts, schools, institutions and organizations communicate effectively about CTE in their own communities.
To help raise awareness, improve understanding and communicate the important role of CTE Advance CTE has made a number of case-making and campaign resources available below.
CTE 101 Video
Advance CTE’s video provides an overview of how CTE prepares learners for their futures while closing the skills gap for employers across the country. Use this video with critical stakeholders to continue to combat false perceptions of what CTE is and who it is for.
Campaign Logos & User’s Guide
Support the CTE: Learning that works for America campaign by using the national or state logo in your advocacy…
The CTE brand is a registered trademark of Advance CTE. This guide provides authorized users with the implementation guidelines,…
Advance CTE has developed a number of infographics to help communicate the value of CTE.
Aligning Opportunity
Credit for Prior Learning
Career Advising and Development
Get Your Campaign Off the Ground
Put your CTE campaign into action with our strategy, social media, focus group, and video guides.