New Skills for Youth Needs Assessment Framework

This tool offers a framework for states conducting a needs assessment to identify strengths and gaps that will inform a comprehensive, three-year career readiness action plan, based on the six major objectives of the New Skills for Youth initiative.

New Skills for Youth Needs Assessment Framework

This tool, developed by the Council of Chief State School Officers, Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group, was designed to help states conduct a diagnostic assessment of their current career preparation systems and develop a three-year action plan under the New Skills for Youth initiative.

The tool outlines quality parameters for high-quality career preparation systems aligned with the six key New Skills for Youth objectives: 

  • Objective 1: Demand Driven and Employer Led Processes
  • Objective 2: Rigor and Quality in Career Pathways for ALL
  • Objective 3: Career-Focused Accountability Systems
  • Objective 4: Scaled Pathways that Culminate in Credentials
  • Objective 5: Aligned State and Federal Funding Streams
  • Objective 6: Ensure Cross-Institutional Alignment

It can be used state leaders to identify strengths and opportunities for building an effective statewide career preparation system. 

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