New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: England, United Kingdom

This snapshot profiles an initiative that aims to identify effective interventions to help youth ages 16 to 18 in England, United Kingdom achieve a passing rate on the General Certificate of Secondary Education exams in English and mathematics.


New Skills for Youth Innovation Sites 2019 Snapshot: England, United Kingdom

Launched in 2016, JPMorgan Chase & Co. New Skills for Youth (NSFY) is a $75 million, five-year global initiative aimed at transforming how cities and states ensure that young people are career ready. The local investments from across the world – Innovations Sites – aim to identify and implement the most promising ideas in career education, with a special focus on communities with the greatest needs.

In 2014, England enacted a policy that requires all young people who fail to achieve a grade of C or better (now a level 4 or higher) on the English and mathematics General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams by the age of 16 to continue to take the exams until they pass or reach the age of 18. The goal of the policy was to enable young people, particularly disadvantaged, out-of-school and unemployed youth, to progress further in their studies to improve their career prospects. To help achieve this goal, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) launched a joint initiative in 2016 to identify effective interventions to help youth ages 16 to 18 achieve a passing rate on the GCSE exams in English and mathematics. This snapshot profiles their efforts.

To learn more about the NSFY Innovation Sites, visit the NSFY Innovation Sites Snapshots series page.

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