Participant Resources
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Participant Resources
This webpage is designed to provide resources and information about the initiative and from across the six sites – Boston, Massachusetts; Columbus, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Nashville, Tennessee – in a real-time manner. This page is only accessible for those involved in New Skills ready network.
If there are any resources you want added or updated, please contact Dr. Tunisha Hobson or Dan Hinderliter.
From New Skills ready network sites:
- Workforce Scholars Program Dallas, Texas (2023)
- Indiana Cybersecurity Pathway Indianapolis, Indiana (2022)
- Building Pathways to Promising Careers PPT Boston, Massachusetts (2022)
- My Career and Academic Planning Boston, Massachusetts
- My Career & Academic Planning District Scope & Sequence Boston, Massachusetts (2023-2024)
- TN Pathways Certification Rubric Nashville, Tennessee (2021)
- Criteria Review Template Columbus, Ohio (June 2021)
- Medical Career Pathways Map Denver, Colorado (July 2021)
- Nutrition Career Pathways Map Denver, Colorado (May 2021)
- Pathways Teacher Interview Indianapolis, Indiana (May 2020)
- Pathways Leadership Interview Indianapolis, Indiana (May 2020)
- Pathways Parent Survey Indianapolis, Indiana (May 2020)
From New Skills ready network sites:
- High Priority Occupations Dallas, Texas (April 2021)
- Pathways Data Framework Denver, Colorado (June 2020)
- Pathways Data Framework Technical Guide Denver, Colorado (2021)
- Needs Assessment Data Template Indianapolis, Indiana (May 2020)
From New Skills ready network sites:
- Preparing Employers for Internships PPT- Bunker Hill Boston, Massachusetts (November 2020)
- Boston Racial Equity Planning Tool Boston, Massachusetts (April 2021)
- Nashville Policy and Program Scan Nashville, Tennessee (April 2022)
- MNPS Equity Roadmap Nashville, Tennessee (June 2022)
From Partners:
- NSrn Equity Analysis User Guide ESG (August 2022)
- Social Media Guide Advance CTE (April 2022)
- New Skills ready network logo files
- New Skills ready network Learning that Works Resource Center Page
- New Skills ready Nashville 2022 website
Site Teams
JPMC Learning Visit Slide Decks
Needs Assessment Materials
- Self-Assessment Instrument (May 2020)
- Data Capacity Tool (May 2020)
- Secondary Equity Analysis Tool (May 2020)
- Postsecondary Equity Tool (May 2020)
Research Requests
- Teacher Recruitment & Retention (October 2023)
- Postsecondary Balance Due Forgiveness (October 2023)
- Pathway Mapping (July 2023)
- How Learners Choose Pathways (July 2023)
- Teacher Licensure (April 2023)
- 2022 NSrn State CTE Policies (January 2023)
- 21st Century Skills in Work Based Learning (September 2022)
- Credit for Prior Learning (April 2021)
- Expanding Access to Work-Based Learning (December 2022)
- Postsecondary Due Balance Forgiveness (October 2022)
- Community Response to Declines in Postsecondary Enrollment (July 2022)
- Overview of Work-based Learning Guides (December 2021)
- Credit for Prior Learning (August 2021)
- Career Pathways Exemplars (February 2021)
- Supporting Undocumented Learners (December 2020)
- Definitions of Key Equity Concepts (November 2020)
Got a research question? Use our Research Request Form
- July 2022 Pilot Projects Nashville, Tennessee, (Jul 2022)
- Winter 2024 (May 2024)
- Fall 2023 (November 2023)
- Summer 2023 (August 2023)
- Winter 2023 (May 2023)
- Fall 2022 (Dec 2022)
- Summer 2022 (Aug 2022)
- Spring 2022 (Jun 2022)
- Fall 2021 (Nov 2021)
- Summer 2021 (Sept 2021)
- Spring 2021 (May 2021)
- Winter 2021 (March 2021)
From New Skills ready network sites:
- Indianapolis – 2+2 Program Map
- Bridge to Completion 2021 Nashville, Tennessee (May 2021)
- College & Career Advising Report Nashville, Tennessee (April 2021)
- Community Partner Profiles Nashville, Tennessee (March 2021)
- Why EPSOs Matter: Preliminary Analysis of EPSO Completion and Student Outcomes in MNPS High Schools Nashville, Tennessee (March 2021)
- Transfer Articulation Agreement 2 to 4 year Denver, Colorado (October 2018)
- Transfer Articulation Agreement Cert to 2 year Denver, Colorado (November 2018)
- Colorado Higher Education ROI 2021 Report Denver, Colorado (July 2021)
From New Skills ready network sites:
- Indianapolis – Modern Apprenticeship
- WBL Graphic Boston, Massachusetts (May 2021)
- Virtual Internship Toolkit Dallas, Texas (April 2021)
Other Resources:
- State Work-Based Learning Toolkit Innovation Analysis Advance CTE (June 2022)
Day 1:
Day 2:
- Plenary
- Portfolio Approach to WBL
- Anchoring our Why – The Outlook on Youth
- Harvard’s The Project on Workforce
- Vertical Curriculum Alignment
- Accelerated Paths to Postsecondary Credentials
- Empowering Students with Voice and Choice
- Providing WBL Experiences in Restrictive Environments and Industries
- The Role of Labor Market Analysis in Pathway System Development
- The Portfolio Approach to Early Postsecondary Opportunities
- Achieving Inclusive CTE Goal Setting Tool
Day 3:
- Keynote: Achieving Postsecondary Success by Race/Ethnicity Just Got Harder
- Building Work-Based Learning Programs With Local Employers
- Commitment, Connectivity, and Impact
- Engaging Students and Alumni to Improve Programs
- Providing Postsecondary Planning and Advising Supports
- Utilizing Data on “Credentials of Value” to Inform Programming
- Braiding Funding to Support Career Pathways
- Career Advising Workshop
(Solberg) - Credit for Prior Learning Plenary Session
- Diagram of a High-Quality Career Pathway
(Dallas, TX) - Engaging Employers in Pipeline Development
(CareerWise, Boston PIC) - Holistic Career Advising System
(Indianapolis, IN) - Sustainable Industry Engagement – Kentucky’s Approach
- Nashville Momentum Metrics and Equity Goals
(Nashville, TN) - Pathways Analysis Breakout Session
(Columbus, OH) - Recruiting Diverse Students Into Pathways
(Dallas, TX) - Pathways Visualization and Transfer
(Program Pathways Mapper) - RTI NSrn Cincinnati Presentation
Year Four Annual Report and Snapshots
This Year 4 annual report provides an overview of strides to achieve high-quality, equitable career pathways across six sites participating in the New Skills ready network initiative; provides an overview of the New Skills ready network initiative; highlights key steps forward for sites across the four project priorities; and identifies lessons learned from year four.